The Perfect French with Dylane


French Speaking Practice – Je suis malade

French Speaking Practice - Je suis malade

Speak French with me – New French Speaking PracticeJe suis malade – (aka Shadowing) to improve your French speaking and pronunciation skills. Today’s subject is “Je suis malade.” I chose easy vocabulary terms and easy pronunciation for today’s lesson. I hope you will like it 🙂

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    French Speaking Practice - Je suis Malade

    Je suis malade

    Je crois que je suis malade. J’ai mal à la tête et j’ai des courbatures. J’ai sûrement de la fièvre. C’est certainement la grippe. C’est la saison. Je ne saurai pas aller travailler aujourd’hui. Je vais rester au lit. Je vais me reposer bien au chaud, lire un livre et boire du thé. Je vais en profiter pour regarder les films et les séries que je voulais voir cette semaine. J’espère que j’irai mieux demain.

    I'm sick

    I think I am sick. My head hurts and I have body aches. I probably have a fever. It’s definitely the flu. It’s the season. I won’t be able to go to work today. I’m going to stay in bed. I’m going to rest nice and warm, read a book and drink tea. I’m going to take this opportunity to watch the films and series I wanted to see this week. I hope I will be better tomorrow.

    More French Speaking Practices
    Keep learning, check out these other French lessons:

    Check out my French Speaking Practice Workshop to improve your French speaking skills. 

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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