The Perfect French with Dylane


Tant pis vs Tant mieux

Tant pis vs Tant mieux

Today, we have a video request! How to use Tant mieux vs Tant pis in French? They are both useful French expressions that are used daily. 

Let’s see how to use them in context!


Tant pis vs Tant mieux

Both are expressions used in spoken French, not much in writing, unless in a story with a conversation.

Tant mieux

All the better – So much the better – That’s good – Good

We use tant mieux to express satisfaction or when there is a positive outcome. It can be used by itself, or it can be followed by pour and a stress pronoun.

Tant mieux. All the better – So much the better – That’s good – Good

Tant mieux pour moi. Good for me.

Tant mieux pour toi. Good for you.

Tant mieux pour lui. Good for him.

Tant mieux pour elle. Good for her.

Tant mieux pour nous. Good for us.

Tant mieux pour vous. Good for you.

Tant mieux pour eux. Good for them (m).

Tant mieux pour elles. Good for them (f).

Est-ce que tu as payé ta facture ?
Have you paid your bill?

Oui, je l’ai payée ce matin.
Yes, I paid it this morning.

Tant mieux car tu étais en retard.
Good because you were late.

Tant pis

Too bad – Never mind – I don’t care

We use tant pis to express disappointment or when there is a negative outcome. It can be used by itself, or it can be followed by pour and a stress pronoun, just like tant mieux.

Tant pis. Too bad.

Tant pis pour moi. Too bad for me.

Tant pis pour toi. Too bad for you.

Tant pis pour lui. Too bad for him.

Tant pis pour elle. Too bad for her.

Tant pis pour nous. Too bad for us.

Tant pis pour vous. Too bad for you.

Tant pis pour eux. Too bad for them (m).

Tant pis pour elles. Too bad for them (f).

Est-ce que tu as payé ta facture ?
Did you pay your bill?

Non, j’ai oublié de la payer.
No, I forgot to pay it.

Tant pis ! Tu vas avoir des intérêts.
Too bad! You’re going to have interests.


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    French Video Lesson: Tant Pis vs Tant Mieux - How to Use these Two Useful French Expressions!

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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