The Perfect French with Dylane


100,000 Subscribers – Giveaway

100,000 Subscribers – Giveaway



Welcome to this special blog post! We are celebrating 100,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel, The perfect French with Dylane. With a 100,000 Subscribers – Giveaway. 

4 years, more than 700 videos, and countless amazing comments. I am so grateful for every single one of you. Thank you so much! 

I won’t bother you with a long intro. Scroll down to get to the giveaway! 

What Can You Win?

To celebrate 100,000 subscribers, I am giving away 50 book downloads valued at $25 each (PDF version only). 

Here is what you can choose among my books. 

One of the following books:

The 2 smaller textbooks:


The 2 story books & 1 small textbook 


To win one of my books, simply leave your first name and your email below, and you will be automatically entered to win one of the 50 book downloads valued at $25 each (PDF version only). 

The giveaway will be open until Wednesday, the 11th, at 1 p.m. EST.

Then I will draw the winners and send an email to the winners on Thursday the 12th. I will be the one emailing you from [email protected]. Nobody else will email you. 

Improve your French

All my books are available as PDF, an eBook and as a paperback. 

Other lessons you will love!

73 Responses

  1. Dylane,

    Thanks for all your very hard work and for making learning French affordable. I enjoy your books and videos.

    My ear is struggling with caching on to fast spoken French. I do have the Pronounciation book so pronounciation is not a problem, just trying to catch on to the fast spoken words.

    1. You are not alone. I studied French I. high School all four years and two in college and I was fluent, wrote well yet had a really hard time understanding street French. I have always continued to take random classes, even used French at work in schools translating English to Haitian students and their families. Now in retirement, one of my goals was to continue learning French and I am doing well in my daily studies. Yet, I still don’t master catching on to the normal spoken speed. So you are not along. Interested in how you are approaching this. If you have a few moments, I’d love to hear from you.

  2. Bonjour Dylane,

    Félicitation pour avoir 100,000 abonnés et merci pour vos excellentes leçons.
    Grâce à votre méthode d’enseignement, J’ai amélioré mon français beaucoup en peu de temps.
    Merci encore pour votre genérosité.

  3. Thanks for all your work and lessons. After two years of working on my French, I am still struggling to understand spoken French. Listening to your careful pronunciation helps. I am also enjoying your second short story series. Merci.

  4. I would like if the volume on your videos was louder. I watch your videos while exercising. You are the best, especially in regards to explaining pronunciation

  5. Thank you! I have felt so despondent in recent weeks. Struggling to find a structure to my learning. I will follow your learning guide, starting at the beginning. I live in France now and am only just getting by. Not understanding what’s being said to me or around me outside of the very basic is making settling difficult. It’s such a beautiful language

    1. Carole French can be overwhelming over what to study and in what order. Try following the self-study guide and make adjustments as needed. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions 🙂

  6. Cher Dylane,
    Je suis tres contente avec votre lecons. J’ai un fils qui est marie a une Suissesse et vit en Suise Francaise (la Swiss romande?), et j’ai besoin d’apprendre votre langue pour communiquer avec ma belle-fille et me petits-enfants.
    Tout le Francais que je connais c’est grace a You-tube et a toi.
    Je pourrais etre ta mere, comme ca je peux te dire que je suis tres fier de votre travail et de votre devouement envers vos eleves!! Merci beaucoup encore et continuez avec votre passion d’enseigner!!!

    Dear Dylan,
    I am very happy with your lessons. I have a son that married a Swiss girl and lives in French Switzerland and I have a need to learn your language to communicate with my daughter in law and grand-children.
    All the French that I know is thanks to You-tube and you. I could be your mother, and that is why I’ll say that I am very proud of your work and dedication to all your students!! Thanks very much again, and continue with your passion for teaching!

      1. I am really happy with the subscriber of 100k. Congratulations for 100k it is a huge number. I learn lot from your videos which helps me in my exam. Thank you for everything dylane sister

    1. dylana di a good teacher. You don’t know that you help me a lot in my exams. I watch your videos. Félicitations pour 100k, c’est un nombre énorme. J’espère que vous grandissez davantage et atteignez jusqu’à 20 millions. Merci pour tout ma sœur Dylane.

  7. You are the best of all in teaching the French language. I really enjoy your lessons, You are very personable and passionate about what you are teaching. French is very difficult for me to speak it but you motivate me to keep trying. Congratulation in reaching 100k subscribers. Wish you the best in life.

  8. Dear Dylane, merci beaucoupe for your excellency on your teaching French specially for beginners, like me. Only watching your youtube Chanel, made my wife and I have confidence to read and pronounce better, even still with mistakes however, I would repeat you “ practice, practice, practice “ So we are for getting your books for more practice. Thank you for your genuine generosity. God bless you. Dr. George & Hala

  9. Hi Dylane,

    I wanted to thank you for your amazing French teaching videos on YouTube. Your content is well-organized and easy to understand. Since discovering your channel last month, I’ve watched all your videos and have gained more confidence in my French skills than I have in the past three years. I’ve even recommended your channel to my friends, and many of them have started watching too.

    I’m currently taking French courses at university, but I still struggle with listening and speaking without subtitles. Do you have any tips on how I can improve in these areas?

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Yasmina I am so glad that my videos help you with your French 🥰 As for improving, try to read and listen at the same time. The reason why you can’t understand spoken French without subtitles is because your brain doesn’t make the connection yet between the different sounds and what they represent. By reading and listening at the same time, you will be able to understand better. Try a page a day. It should take you around 5 minutes. If you need some material, check out my second Youtube channel, French chit-chat with Dylane, it’s in slow French and you have the PDF to read 🙂

  10. Salut madame,
    Je vais essayer d’écrire ce commentaire en français utilisant les choses que j’ai pris de vous 🙂
    Je t’aime beaucoup madame, bonne continuation en youtube, j’espère que vous aurez beaucoup plus des abonnés et beaucoup plus de succès dans votre vie professionnelle, merci beaucoup 🙂 we love you

  11. Thank you so much Dylane! 😊
    Your videos are helping me a lot for pronunciation, grammar and new vocabulary.
    I love French culture, cuisine and history.😊💕🌹
    Unfortunately, I had an accident and some of my memory I had to learn again.

    I know from my Speach pathology teacher that by learning language, especially French will help me to improve my recovery a lot faster.
    I love very much your short stories with videos and great pictures. 😊💕🌹
    It gives me a hope to get better every day.

  12. Hi Dylane….You commented on ur YouTube video that the giveaway was still disponible….I simply kept waiting for ur reply on how to avail after its closed……I did not look further into how thinking that on this page it showed as « over »
    Just now while revisiting ur page I realised I had to leave my email address.

    About the PDF… I have been studying with ur videos ….Grammar Course is almost complete ….n I plan on writing my TEF Canada….so I would really like you to send the PDF of ur choice thinking of what is most important for me with this point of view

      1. Hi Dylane….i replied earlier but I guess it didn’t go…..
        Just wanted to say thanks a lot for all ur efforts and YouTube videos….they themselves are amazing……
        I actually commented on ur giveaway video by a different name …samariyya… let’s hope u have another giveaway sooner than later….All the Best…!!

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About Dylane

Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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