The Perfect French with Dylane


French Speaking Practice – Faire du shopping

French Speaking Practice - Faire du shopping

Speak French with me – New French Speaking Practice (aka Shadowing) to improve your French speaking and pronunciation skills. Today’s subject is “Faire du shopping.” I chose easy vocabulary terms and easy pronunciation for today’s lesson. I hope you will like it 🙂

French Test 1 - Practice-Faire-du-shopping

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    French Speaking Practice

    Faire du shopping

    Ce samedi, ma sœur et moi, on va faire du shopping. On doit acheter des vêtements chauds pour l’hiver et une robe de soirée pour mon anniversaire. Il fait froid depuis quelques jours et on n’a pas assez de vêtements d’hiver. Je n’ai pas de bonnet ni de gants. Je devrais aussi acheter un manteau bien chaud et des bottes au cas où il neige. On va aussi essayer de trouver quelques cadeaux de Noël. Noël, c’est déjà dans moins de deux mois ! J’ai hâte d’être samedi !


    This Saturday, my sister and I are going shopping. We need to buy warm clothes for winter and an evening dress for my birthday. It’s been cold for a few days and we don’t have enough clothes for winter. I don’t have a hat or gloves. I should also buy a warm coat and boots in case it snows. We’re also going to try to find some Christmas presents. Christmas is already less than two months away! I can’t wait for Saturday!

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    4 Responses

    1. I actually enjoy the way you teach which helps us to comprehend most basic french grammatical words to build our vocabularies.
      I’ve been learning french online for long time, but your way of teaching with skills, passion and motivation is absolutely different, so keep up with that mrs DYLANE. Merci beaucoup…🙏❤

    2. I wont understand about verbs in different situation like past present future. Please make video of them s well.
      Love from Iran. You are amazing. Thank you so much.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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