The Perfect French with Dylane


French Speaking Practice – Le temps passe vite

French Speaking Practice - Speak French with me!

Speak French with me – New French Speaking Practice (aka Shadowing) to improve your French speaking and pronunciation skills. Today’s subject is “Le temps passe vite.” I chose easy vocabulary terms and easy pronunciation for today’s lesson. I hope you will like it 🙂


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    French Speaking Practice

    Le temps passe vite.

    On est déjà en avril. C’est dingue comme le temps passe vite ! Il semble qu’on vient à peine de fêter le Nouvel An mais le premier trimestre de l’année est déjà terminé. D’un côté, j’ai vécu tellement de choses depuis le début de l’année, mais d’un autre côté, j’ai l’impression que le temps m’échappe. Avec l’arrivée du beau temps, je sens que les journées vont encore filer à toute vitesse. C’est le moment de se fixer de nouveaux objectifs pour les mois à venir et de profiter de chaque instant. Car avant qu’on ne s’en rende compte, l’année sera déjà terminée !

    We’re already in April. It’s crazy how time flies! It seems like we’ve just celebrated the New Year but the first quarter of the year is already over. On one hand, I’ve experienced so much since the beginning of the year, but on the other hand, I feel like time is slipping away from me. With the arrival of nice weather, I can sense that the days will fly by even faster. It’s time to set new goals for the upcoming months and to enjoy every moment. Because before we know it, the year will be over!

    More French Speaking Practices
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    2 Responses

    1. You are very very dedicated to teaching and you know HOW people learn.
      I think the speaking practice is good for recognizing how words are pronounced ( to some extent ) and for learning vocabulary ( the 3 word phrases are good. I will purchase the specific pronunciation focus and grammar books in a few days.
      I am listening to the Pimsleur CDs and am able to recall meaning and actually speak, but only those specific phrases I hear, so I need to practice speaking WITH another person but i lack the vocabulary now. If you have any suggestions I would be interested – you really are a great teacher I too am a teacher ( of high school students ages 14-17 with learning disabilities )

      1. Jeff thank you so much for your comment 🙂 It’s very nice coming from another teacher. As for conversations. Technically, to talk with someone else, you only need 2000 ish words since they represent 80% of the language. I am working on a book about it but if you want I am sure you can find similar books on Amazon or in a bookstore 🙂

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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