The Perfect French with Dylane


Être certain (certaine) que

Être certain (certaine) que - French subjunctive?

Does être certain (certaine) que take the French subjunctive?

Yes and no!

Être certain (certaine) que is followed by the French subjunctive only in negative sentences and in questions with inversion.
In affirmative sentences, the verb is conjugated in the indicative.


Être certain (certaine) que – To be certain that

Affirmative: On est certains que cela se passe comme prévu.
We’re certain it’s going as planned.

Negation: On n’est pas certains que cela se passe comme prévu.
We’re not certain it’s going as planned.

Question with inversion: Est-on certains que cela se passe comme prévu ?
Are we certain it’s going as planned?

Work on Your French Subjunctive

If you need to work on your French Subjunctive, I have just what you need! 

This book includes all the explanations you will need to master the French Subjunctive, including exercises, lists, glossary, examples, audio, and a video if you need a teacher approach.

More French Subjunctive

I add a new article about the French subjunctive every day. 
Come back tomorrow for more! 

Admettre que
To admit that

Comprendre que
To understand that

Dire que
To say that

Il est évident que
C’est évident que
It’s obvious that – It’s evident that

Il est probable que
C’est probable que
It’s likely that

Il est vrai que
C’est vrai que
It’s true that

Il n’y a pas de doute que
 There is no doubt that

Il paraît que
It appears that

Prétendre que
To pretend that

Signifier que
To mean that

Watch the Video


About Dylane

Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.