The Perfect French with Dylane


French Masculine Nouns Ending in EAU

French Masculine Nouns Ending in EAU

In French, nouns are either masculine or feminine. While it’s always better to study French vocabulary with the right gender, some endings are specific to masculine or feminine, with a couple of exceptions. In this article, we are looking at French masculine nouns ending in -eau. The list is quite short but still worth it. Don’t forget to use the audio to get the pronunciation right. 

French Masculine Nouns Ending in EAU

Un agneau | a lamb
Un bandeau | a headband
Un bateau | a boat
Un berceau | a cradle
Le bouleau | birch
Un bureau | a desk – an office
Un cadeau | a gift
Le cerveau | brain
Un chameau | a camel
Un chapeau | a hat
Un chateau | a castle
Un corbeau | a crow
Un couteau | a knife
Un gâteau | a cake
Un jumeau | a twin
Un maquereau | a mackerel
Un moineau | a sparrow
Un morceau | a piece
Le museau | nose
Un oiseau | a bird
Un pinceau | a brush
Un poireau | a leek
Un poteau | a goalpost
Un réseau | a social network
Un rideau | a curtain
Un seau | a bucket
Un tableau | a painting
Un taureau | a bull
Un traîneau | a sledge
Un troupeau | a herd
Un veau | a calf

De l’eau | water
La peau | skin

Other Endings of French Masculine Nouns

There you have it! French masculine nouns ending in EAU.

Remember that while this helps, you should always study French vocabulary with its gender.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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