The Perfect French with Dylane


French Feminine Nouns Ending in TÉ – TIÉ

French Feminine Nouns Ending in TÉ - TIÉ

In French, nouns are either masculine or feminine. While it’s always better to study French vocabulary with the right gender, some endings are specific to masculine or feminine, with a couple of exceptions. In this article, we are looking at French feminine nouns ending in TÉ – TIÉDon’t forget to use the audio to get the pronunciation right and to download your free PDF at the bottom of the page. 

French Feminine Nouns Ending in TÉ – TIÉ

French Feminine Nouns Ending in TÉ – TIÉ

L’amitié | friendship
La beauté | beauty
La bonté | goodness
La célébrité | celebrity
La charité | charity
La cruauté | cruelty
La curiosité | curiosity
La difficulté | difficulty
La diversité | diversity
L’égalité | equality
L’éternité | eternity
La fatalité | fatality
La féminité | femininity
La fierté | pride
La fraternité | fraternity
La générosité | generosity
L’identité | identity
L’intégrité | integrity
La liberté | liberty
La loyauté | loyalty
La méchanceté | malice
La moitié | half
La pitié | pity
La pureté | purity
La qualité | quality
La réalité | reality
La saleté | dirtiness
La sensibilité | sensibility
La sévérité | severity
La simplicité | simplicity
La sincérité | sincerity
La solidarité | solidarity
La timidité | timidity
La vérité | truth
La volupté | pleasure

Un été | a summer

Other Endings of French Feminine Nouns

There you have it! French feminine nouns ending in -TÉ – TIÉ.

Remember that while this helps, you should always study French vocabulary with its gender.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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