The Perfect French with Dylane


30-Day French Learning Challenge

30-Day French Language Challenge

It’s already 2024, and to start the year the right way, I put together a 30-day French Learning Challenge! It’s 30 days of little tasks (easy to complete) to get you out of your comfort zone. It’s all about learning new words, describing things, reading, speaking, testing yourself, and improving.

You can start this 30-Day French Learning Challenge whenever you want, but I am releasing it on January 1st, which is why I talk about 2024 in some parts of this post. 

You can follow this 30-day French Learning Challenge on your own, but if you need help, this post is full of recommendations. I will reveal a new day every day between January 1st and January 30th. Sign up to my mailing list below to not miss a day of practice!

Join me on my Facebook group to talk about what you did/learned/watched every day. I will see you there!

Get daily emails to reveal the task of the day 📃🇫🇷

You will get the PDF version of the challenge as well as a daily emails to give you recommendations and ideas for the day. I hope you enjoy it ☺️.

    30-Day French Language Challenge

    Day 1 - Download a language app and do 1 lesson.

    Language apps are a very personal choice. It depends on how much you like interactive content, if you are a visual learner or not, if you learn more in game-based apps, etc. That being said, I put together a quick review of 3 French learning apps and why I like them. 

    Let me know in the comments which one you downloaded and what lesson you did 🙂

    Beelinguapp is a reading app that teaches French through bilingual texts. Users can read stories and articles in French and English side by side to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

    What I like:

    • Beelinguapp offers bilingual texts with audio in both the target language and your native language
    • The app has a wide range of content, including stories, news articles, and song lyrics.
    • Beelinguapp provides interactive features such as quizzes and vocabulary lists to help reinforce your learning.
    • The app has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and use.

    One of the most popular language learning apps, Duolingo uses a game-like approach to teach languages. The app includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises, as well as a variety of levels and progress-tracking features.

    What I like:

    • Duolingo is a free app, which makes it accessible to a large audience.
    • The app is designed to be fun and engaging, with a lot of exercises and game features that keep learners motivated.
    • Duolingo‘s content is structured and sequencedwhich helps learners to progress through the language learning journey in a logical and manageable way.

    Pimsleur uses audio lessons and repetition to teach French. The app includes a range of beginner to advanced lessons, as well as pronunciation and listening exercises.

    What I like:

    • Audio-based learning and speaking skills emphasized.
    • Spaced repetition system used to reinforce language learning.
    • Useful phrases and practical vocabulary taught for everyday situations.
    • Good for learners who prefer a structured and guided approach to learning a new language.
    • Helpful in developing pronunciation and speaking fluency.

    Day 2 - Learn 20 New French Words

    Today’s task is also simple: learn 20 new French words. They can be beginners – intermediates – or advanced. Here are my lists to give you some ideas. Take advantage of the audio of each list to work on your French Listening Skills. 

    Feel free to share your words in the comments or on the daily post on my Facebook group.

    20 Beginner French Words: 

    Oui – Yes
    Non – No
    Peut-être – Maybe
    Bonjour – Hello
    Au revoir – Goodbye
    Merci – Thank you
    De rien – You’re welcome
    Une femme – A woman
    Un homme – A man
    Un nom – A name
    Le temps – The weather
    Être – To be
    Avoir – To have
    Aller – To go
    Faire – To do/make
    Qui – Who
    Quoi – What
    Quand – When
    – Where
    Pourquoi – Why

    20 Intermediate French Words: 

    Laisser – To leave
    Envoyer – To send
    Essayer – To try
    Voyager – To travel
    Un écran – A screen
    Une banque – A bank
    Une pièce – A room
    Un quartier – A neighborhood
    Alors – So/then
    Puisque – Since
    Donc – Therefore
    Épicé(e) – Spicy
    ParticulierParticulière – Particular
    ÉtroitÉtroite – Narrow
    Déjà – Already
    En haut – Upstairs
    En bas – Downstairs
    Loin – Far
    Près – Near
    Presque – Almost

    20 Advanced French Words: 

    Craindre – To fear
    D’ailleurs – Moreover
    Bricoler – To tinker
    Chuchoter – To whisper
    Jurer – To swear
    Décevant – Disappointing
    Minable – Pathetic
    Un stage – An internship
    Cependant – However
    Toutefois – Nevertheless
    Malgré – Despite
    Néanmoins – Nonetheless
    Un ruisseau – A stream
    Murmurer – To murmur
    Détaillé(e) – Detailed
    Spontané(e) – Spontaneous
    Absolument – Absolutely
    Quoi Que – Whatever
    BéninBénigne – Benign
    ContagieuxContagieuse – Contagious

    Day 3 - Write 10 Sentences in French About your Day

    Talking about your day in French requires sentence structure. If you are a beginner learner, you can simply write a few words for each sentence. If you are an intermediate learner, write a simple sentence. If you are an advanced learner, write a complete sentence with details. 

    Here are my 10 sentences:

    Ce matin, je me suis réveillée à 7 heures.
    This morning, I woke up at 7 o’clock.

    J’ai promené Beefy pendant une heure près de chez moi.
    I walked Beefy for an hour near my place.

    J’ai pris mon petit déjeuner avec mon mari.
    I had breakfast with my husband.

    J’ai répondu à mes commentaires sur Instagram et sur YouTube.
    I replied to my comments on Instagram and YouTube.

    J’ai commencé à travailler aux alentours de 9 heures et demie.
    I started working around 9:30.

    J’ai fini la vidéo que je devais poster à 13 heures.
    I finished the video that I had to post at 1 p.m.

    J’ai fait une pause vers midi pour boire un café décaféiné.
    I took a break around noon to have decaffeinated coffee.

    J’ai pris mon déjeuner un peu après mon café.
    I had my lunch shortly after my coffee.

    J’ai filmé quatre vidéos pour mon atelier d’expression orale.
    I recorded four videos for my oral expression workshop.

    J’ai oublié d’appeler l’ophtalmologue pour prendre un rendez-vous.
    I forgot to call the ophthalmologist to make an appointment.

    Day 4 - Read 1 page of a book or 1 story in French

    If you know me a little bit or have been following me for a while, you know my love for stories 😍. So much that I have enough to give you one for each level! Below is a French story for beginners, intermediates, and advanced. 

    French story for beginners:

    This is the first story of my book “30 French Short Stories for Beginners“. It’s available here on my website as a PDF, on Kindle or as a paperback on Amazon

    French story for intermediates:

    This is the first part of my book, “5 French Long Stories for Intermediates“. It’s available here on my website as a PDF, on Kindle or as a paperback on Amazon

    French story for intermediates/advanced:

    Some of you don’t know this, but I have a second YouTube channel where I post a slow French story (more like a chat) every Friday. It has subtitles in French and English and has a free PDF. Here is one from December.

    It would be a little bit long to have the story here, so here is the PDF with the French and English versions. Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel as well. It really helps me!

    Day 5 - Find a picture and label as many things as you can

    For this task, you can use any picture. I recommend a picture with objects or food. That’s usually easier than a landscape! 

    If you are looking for an idea, I added a picture below with arrows that you can use. The picture with the answers is underneath, as well as the list and the audio. 

    Find the missing words
    Picture with words - Vocabulary list - Audio

    From left, top, right

    Une feuille – A leaf 
    Un bouquet de fleurs – A bouquet 
    Une rose – A rose 
    Du papier – Paper 
    Un ruban – A ribbon 
    Un nœud – A bow
    Une boîte – A box 
    Du chocolat – Chocolate 
    Une fenêtre – A window 
    Un mur – A wall 
    Une bouteille de vin – A bottle of wine 
    Un bouchon – A cork 
    Une étiquette – A label 
    Un panier – A basket 
    Une couverture – A blanket 
    Une table – A table

    Day 6 - Follow a French Grammar Lesson

    Today, we are looking at one of my favourite topics to teach: French Grammar. Or maybe it’s conjugation. Probably a little bit of both 🙂 

    For today’s task, I put together 3 of my videos (from my French Grammar Course Playlist) as well as the notes from my French Grammar Textbook, exercises and solutions for each level. 

    My French textbook is available here on my website as a PDF, on Kindle or as a paperback on Amazon. 

    You can find them below with my videos. 

    French Grammar Lesson - Beginners
    French Grammar Lesson - Intermediates
    French Grammar Lesson - Advanced

    Day 7 - Change Your Phone Settings to French for At Least 24 Hours

    This one is pretty self-explanatory. Change your phone or computer settings to French for at least 24 hours. You can change it back to your language tomorrow 🙂

    Day 8 - Take a French Vocabulary Quiz

    For Day 8, I have an easy French Vocabulary Test for you. Are you a beginner, intermediate, or advanced? There are ten questions for each level!

    Don’t forget to grab your free PDF as well. You can write the answers directly on the PDF.


    If you want to do something more interactive, try Quiz-Tree; it’s free!

    Day 9 - Write a conversation in French

    I know that this one might be a bit scary for some of you, but a conversation doesn’t have to be long. Have a look at my three examples below for beginners, intermediates, and advanced. They are short and are good practice.

    A good way to write a conversation is to write one in your own language first and then make it work in French. Remember that languages don’t translate word to word. That’s why I say “make it work” and not “translate“.

    French Conversation - Beginners


    Dylane: Bonjour. Je m’appelle Dylane, et toi ?
    Hello. My name is Dylane, and you?

    Sarah: Je m’appelle Sarah. Enchantée de te rencontrer.
    My name is Sarah. Nice to meet you.

    Dylane: Moi aussi. Quel âge as-tu Sarah ?
    Nice to meet you too. How old are you, Sarah?

    Sarah: J’ai 35 ans, et toi ?
    I’m 35 years old, and you?

    Dylane: J’ai 36 ans.
    I’m 36 years old.

    French Conversation - Intermediates

    Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce week-end ?

    Dylane: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce week-end ?
    What did you do this weekend?

    Sarah: Ce week-end,  je suis restée à la maison. Je n’ai rien fait de spécial, et toi ?
    This weekend, I stayed at home. I didn’t do anything special, and you?

    Dylane: J’étais malade, je suis restée à la maison aussi.
    I was sick, so I stayed at home too.

    Sarah: C’est dommage ! Est-ce que tu vas mieux ?
    That’s a shame! Are you feeling better now?

    Dylane: Je vais beaucoup mieux, merci.
    I’m much better, thank you.

    French Conversation - Advanced

    Allons prendre un café !

    Dylane: Sarah, est-ce que tu veux aller prendre un café cet après-midi ?
    Sarah, do you want to go for a coffee this afternoon?

    Sarah: Bonne idée ! Où est-ce que tu veux aller ?
    Good idea! Where do you want to go?

    Dylane: Qu’est-ce que tu penses du petit café au coin de la rue ? Il y a toujours de la place pour s’asseoir.
    What do you think about the small café around the corner? There’s always seating available.

    Sarah: C’est parfait. On se rejoint là-bas dans une heure ?
    That’s perfect. Shall we meet there in an hour?

    Dylane: Ça marche pour moi.
    Works for me.

    Day 10 - Listen to a Podcast in French

    I have selected 4 podcasts for you, including my own 🙂

    Day 11 - Learn a New French Joke

    Today’s task of the 30-Day French Learning Challenge is easy – Learn a new French Joke, or just a French joke if you never learned one before. Learning a joke in your target language can be challenging because jokes often rely on pronunciation (see joke 4) or specific meanings of words (see joke 2).

    Don’t hesitate to leave the joke you learn if it’s not one of the five in the comments section or my Facebook group.

    French Joke 1

    Qu’est-ce qui est petit, rond, et vert, et qui monte et qui descend ?
    Un petit pois dans un ascenceur !

    What is small, round, green, and goes up and down?
    A pea in an elevator!

    French Joke 2

    Comment appelle-t-on une chauve-souris avec une perruque ?
    Une souris.

    What do you call a bat with a wig?
    A mouse.

    Added to understand – Une chauve-souris = a bald mouse

    French Joke 3

    C’est l’histoire de deux patates qui traversent la route. 
    L’une d’elle se fait écraser. L’autre dit : « Oh purée ! »

    It’s the story of two potatoes crossing the road.
    One of them gets crushed. The other said: “Oh damn! »

    Added to understand – La purée is mashed potatoes and it’s also the translation of “damn”.

    French Joke 4

    Qu’est ce qui n’est pas un steak ?
    Une pastèque.

    What’s not a steak?
    A watermelon.

    Added to understand – Une pastèque sounds the same as Pas steak – No steak.

    French Joke 5

    Qui est la plus intelligente : la blonde, la rousse ou la brune ? 
    Larousse, le dictionnaire.

    Who is smarter: the blonde, the redhead or the brunette?
    Larousse, the dictionary.

    Day 12 - Label 20 Items You Use Every Day

    For today’s task, you have to label items that you use every day. You can choose easy items or more complicated ones to challenge you. List them with Un – Une – Des or Mon – Ma – Mes, up to you!

    Share your list with me and others in the comments or on my Facebook group.
    My list of 20 items I use every day

    Un téléphone – A phone
    Une bouteille d’eau – A water bottle
    Un cahier – A notebook
    Un livre – A book
    Un écran – A screen
    Une souris – A mouse
    Un clavier – A keyboard
    Un chargeur – A charger
    Un trépied – A tripod
    Une tasse – A cup
    Une cuillère – A spoon
    Une lampe – A lamp
    Un Bic – A pen
    Un tabouret – A stool
    Un bureau – A desk
    Une chaise de bureau – A desk chair
    Un miroir – A mirror
    De la crème pour les mains – Hand moisturizer
    Un appareil photo – A camera
    Des lunettes – Glasses

    Day 13 - Write Your Shopping List in French

    I went grocery shopping yesterday, so that’s easy for me; I will just share my shopping list in French from yesterday 🙂

    A shopping list in French is “Une liste de courses“.

    Try using either a number or the articles Du – De la – Des.

    Ma liste de courses - My grocery list

    Deux litres de lait d’amande – Two litres of almond milk
    Six œufs – Six eggs
    Des bananes – Bananas
    Des oranges – Oranges
    Du fromage – Cheese
    De la sauce soja – Soy sauce
    Du poulet – Chicken
    Du tofu – Tofu
    Six bouteilles d’eau pétillante – Six bottles of sparkling water
    Du beurre – Butter
    Du beurre de cacahuètes – Peanut Butter
    Un paquet de chips au sel – A bag of salt chips
    Un tube de Super Glue – A tube of Super Glue
    Une tablette de chocolat noir – A bar of dark chocolate

    Day 14 - Watch a TV Show in French with Subtitles

    I have 3 websites for you, TV5 Monde, Lingopie, and TV5 Unis. TV5 Monde and TV5 Unis are free, while Lingopie isn’t.

    Let’s see how they work!

    Not really TV Shows but they have plenty of videos for each level with exercises. The videos have transcripts. Great for beginners to start with.

    Lingopie is an app where you can watch TV Shows, movies and documentaries. They use dual subtitles (French + your native language). Their subtitles are interactive so you can click on it to listen to the pronunciation and know what type of words it is. You can also review at the end with their flash cards.

    With my link, you can get a 7-Day free trial + 55% off:

    I am an affiliate of Lingopie, meaning I earn a small commission from them if you choose to subscribe.

    Movies and TV Shows with French subtitles (no English)

    This website is fantastic, but I would only check it if you are advanced since there are no English subtitles, only French. I should warn you that they have lots of ads before each TV Show/Movie.

    Day 15 - Describe 10 things with Colors

    For today’s task, all you have to do is to describe 10 things with colors. Choose 10 things around you to make it easier. Below, you can find my 10 sentences with audio.  

    Aujourd’hui, le ciel est bleu.
    Today, the sky is blue.

    Je porte un t-shirt rose.
    I’m wearing a pink T-shirt.

    Mes chaussettes sont noires.
    My socks are black.

    Mon gilet est beige.
    My cardigan is beige.

    Ma bouteille d’eau est blanche.
    My water bottle is white.

    Le mur devant moi est blanc.
    The wall in front of me is white.

    Mon sac à main est vert.
    My handbag is green.

    Le manteau de Beefy est orange.
    Beefy’s coat is orange.

    Mon legging est gris.
    My leggings are gray.

    Mon baume à lèvres est rose.
    My lip balm is pink.

    Day 16 - Learn 5 New French Idioms

    What is an idiom? ‘Idioms’ are groups of words whose literal meaning is not the same as the meaning of the phrase as expressed. Guessing the meaning is usually fun since it doesn’t match the literal translation! 

    For today’s task, I chose 10 French idioms from my book “The Complete French Expressions & Idioms Course.” I hope you will like them. Don’t forget to use the audio to work on your listening skills.

    Avoir un coup de foudre

    Literally: To have a lightning
    Meaning: To have a crush – To fall in love at first sight
    – Ils ont eu un coup de foudre et se sont mariés à Las Vegas.
    – They fell in love and got married in Las Vegas.

    Faire la grasse matinée

    Literally: To make a fat morning
    Meaning: To sleep in
    – Qu’est-ce qu’on fait ce week-end ? La grasse matinée et rien d’autre.
    What are we doing this weekend? Sleeping in and nothing else.

    Coûter un bras (familiar)

    Literally: To cost an arm
    Meaning: To cost an arm and a leg
    – Je me suis acheté une nouvelle télévision. Elle m’a coûté un bras.
    I bought myself a new television. It cost me an arm and a leg.

    Donner sa langue au chat

    Literally: To give your tongue to the cat
    Meaning: To give up – To have no idea – Cat got your tongue
    – Devine ce que j’ai fait hier. Guess what I did yesterday.
    – Je donne ma langue au chat. I have no idea.

    Jeter l’argent par les fenêtres

    Literally: To throw money out of the window
    Meaning: To spend a lot – To toss money out of the window
    – Elle ramène l’argent pendant que son mari dépense tout. Il jette l’argent par les fenêtres.
    She brings the money while her husband spends it all. He spends a lot.

    Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre

    Literally: To have eyes bigger than one’s stomach
    Meaning: To be greedy
    – Tu as pris trop à manger, tu as les yeux plus gros que le ventre.
    You took too much to eat; your eyes are bigger than your stomach.

    Il fait un temps de chien

    Literally: It’s dog weather
    Meaning: The weather is awful
    – Il y a de la grêle et du vent dehors. Il fait un temps de chien.
    There is hail and wind outside. The weather is awful.

    C'est dans la poche

    Literally: It’s in the pocket
    Meaning: It’s in the bag
    – Il suffit que tu réussisses ce test et c’est dans la poche.
    You just have to pass this test, and it’s in the bag.

    Être bien dans sa peau

    Literally: To be good in one’s skin
    Meaning: To be comfortable in your own skin – To feel good about yourself
    – C’est important d’être bien dans sa peau, peu importe son poids.
    It’s essential to feel good about yourself, regardless of your weight.

    Ne pas y aller par quatre chemins

    Literally: To not go by four paths
    Meaning: To go straight to the point
    – Je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps donc n’y va pas par quatre chemins. Je t’écoute.
    I don’t have much time so go straight to the point. I’m listening to you.

    Day 17 - Follow a French Speaking Practice

    Today’s task is to follow a French-speaking practice for beginners and intermediates. Today’s subject is “Je suis malade – I am sick.” It is an easy lesson where we see the French pronunciation of each word before moving to a group of words and, finally, sentences. It’s incredibly efficient to improve your speaking skills. 

    The beginning of the video explains how to follow a French Speaking Practice below. You can also find the free PDF & audio right after the video. 

    If you are looking for more French Speaking Practices, check out the playlist on YouTube. If that’s not enough, you can join my 30-Day French Speaking Practice Workshop. Get 10% off with the code BOOK10.

    Day 18 - Describe Yourself in French

    Day 18 is all about ourselves. Today, we are going to describe ourselves in 10 easy sentences. Feel free to make longer sentences if you feel like you have a higher level. And please share your description with me 🙂

    My description in French

    Je m’appelle Dylane.
    My name is Dylane.

    J’ai 36 ans.
    I am 36 years old.

    Je suis née le 19 novembre 1987.
    I was born on November 19, 1987.

    J’ai les cheveux blonds/Je suis blonde.
    I have blond hair/I am blonde.

    J’ai les cheveux longs.
    I have long hair.

    Je porte des lunettes.
    I wear glasses.

    J’ai les yeux verts.
    I have green eyes.

    Je mesure 1 mètre 62.
    I am 1.62 meters tall.

    Je suis professeure de français et auteure.
    I am a French teacher and author.

    Je fais du sport presque tous les jours.
    I exercise almost every day.

    Share your description in the comments below ⬇️

    Day 19 - Follow a Recipe in French

    I say a recipe, but it can be whatever interests you: gardening, knitting, woodworking, etc. It would have been hard to add all the topics for everyone so I chose cooking to share because we all eat food 🙂

    Here are two blogs about food that I think you will like. La cuisine de Géraldine is available in English if you struggle to understand a recipe, but La cuisine c’est simple is only in French.

    Share with me what you decide to cook. Bon appétit!

    Day 20 - Learn a French Tongue Twister

    Some of you are not going to be happy with me for choosing this task 😃  Today, you have to try a French tongue twister. I have six French tongue twisters for you, with audio of each at three different speeds: slow – normal – fast.

    Don’t forget to have fun and let me know which one you choose. My favorite is the first one.

    French Tongue Twister 1

    Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu.
    If my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved.

    Slow audio
    Normal audio
    Fast audio
    French Tongue Twister 2

    Son chat chante sa chanson.
    His/Her cat sings his/her song.

    Slow audio
    Normal audio
    Fast audio
    French Tongue Twister 3

    Cinq chiens chassent six chats.
    Five dogs chase six cats.

    Slow audio
    Normal audio
    Fast audio
    French Tongue Twister 4

    Les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse, sont-elles sèches ? Archi-sèches ?
    Are the Archduchess’ socks dry? Very dry?

    Slow audio
    Normal audio
    Fast audio
    French Tongue Twister 5

    Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien.
    A hunter who knows how to hunt hunts without his dog.

    Slow audio
    Normal audio
    Fast audio
    French Tongue Twister 6

    Trois petites truites non cuites, trois petites truites crues.
    Three small uncooked trout, three small raw trout.

    Slow audio
    Normal audio
    Fast audio

    Day 21 - Follow a French Listening Practice

    Today’s task is to follow a French Listening Practice for beginners and intermediates. I have many of them on my channel. I post a new French Listening Practice every second month. I have added my last 3 French Listening Practices for you as well as the free PDF for each video. 

    You can also find the free PDF & audio right after each video. 

    French Listening Practice - December 2023
    French Listening Practice - October 2023
    French Listening Practice - August 2023

    Day 22 - Take a French Listening Test

    Following yesterday’s task about French listening practices, today we are taking a French Listening Test

    The test consists of 20 sentences with missing words. Grab your PDF (you can write directly on the PDF), listen to the sentence and write down the missing word. 

    Day 23 - Write your to do list in French

    Day 23 already! Can you believe we only have one week left? I feel like we started yesterday!

    For today’s task, we are going to write our to-do list in French. You can start the list with “Aujourd’hui, je doisToday, I have to” or “Aujourd’hui, je veuxToday I want“. Both of them will be followed by an infinitive verb.

    Don’t forget to listen to the audio to improve your listening skills 🙂

    Ma liste de choses à faire : 

    My to do list:


    Aujourd’hui, je dois

    Today, I have to

    – faire des lessives.

    – do laundry.

    – répondre à mes emails.

    – respond to my emails.

    – filmer trois vidéos. 

    – film three videos.

    – écrire mes deux prochaines leçons de français.

    – write my next two French lessons.

    – charger ma caméra. 

    – charge my camera.

    Aujourd’hui, je veux 

    Today, I want to

    – faire du sport.

    – play sports.

    – finir le puzzle que j’ai commencé hier. 

    – finish the puzzle I started yesterday.

    – me détendre.

    – to relax.

    – lire avant de dormir. 

    – read before sleeping.

    – aller promener avec Beefy.

    – go for a walk with Beefy.

    Day 24 - Learn 5 New Everyday Expressions

    On day 16, you learned new idioms, now it’s time to learn new expressions.

    An idiom is a group of words whose literal meaning is not the same as the meaning of the phrase as expressed.
    Example: Avoir un coup de foudre (to have a lightning) means To fall in love at first sight.

    An expression is a phrase that has a figurative meaning that is easily understood.
    Example: Être en retardTo be late

    Below, I have chosen 10 French expressions with examples. Let me know in my Facebook group which ones you chose to study 🙂

    Avoir l'impression que

    Meaning: To be under the impression that
    – Le policier a l’impression que le suspect ne lui dit pas tout.
    The policeman is under the impression that the suspect isn’t telling him everything.

    C'est la vie

    Meaning: That’s life
    C’est la vie, on ne peut pas faire grand-chose pour changer les choses.
    That’s life, we can’t do much to change things.

    Ce n’est pas grave

    Meaning: It’s no big deal – It’s okay
    Ce n’est pas grave si tu es en retard. On t’attendra.
    It’s okay if you’re late. We’ll wait for you.

    Être de bonne humeur

    Meaning: To be in a good mood
    – Ça fait plaisir de voir que tu es de bonne humeur.
    Glad to see you’re in a good mood.

    Prendre au sérieux

    Meaning: To take seriously
    – Personne ne le prend au sérieux dans l’entreprise.
    Nobody takes him seriously in the company.

    Prendre des risques

    Meaning: To take risks
    – Parfois prendre des risques en vaut la peine.
    Sometimes taking risks is worth it.

    Manger comme un cochon

    Meaning: To eat like a pig
    – Il a sali son pantalon. Il mange comme un cochon.
    He got his pants dirty. He eats like a pig.

    Coûter un bras (familiar)

    Meaning: To cost an arm and a leg
    – Je me suis acheté une nouvelle télévision. Elle m’a coûté un bras.
    I bought myself a new television. It cost me an arm and a leg.

    Être à l'heure

    Meaning: To be on time
    – Il faut être à l’heure car l’avion ne nous attendra pas.
    We must be on time because the plane won’t be waiting for us.

    Dormir comme un bébé

    Meaning: To sleep like a baby
    – Il est rentré très fatigué du travail. Il dort comme un bébé.
    He came home very tired from work. He is sleeping like a baby.

    Day 25 - Describe the weather in French

    Easy task today! Write between 5 and 10 sentences about the weather. You can also write about different weather. Where I live, it’s pretty cold today so here are my sentences.

    My French sentences about the weather

    Aujourd’hui, il fait froid.
    It’s cold today.

    Aujourd’hui, il fait 2 degrés.
    Today, it’s 2 degrees.

    Aujourd’hui, il neige.
    Today, it’s snowing.

    Il neige depuis ce matin.
    It’s been snowing since this morning.

    On a eu 15 centimètres de neige.
    We got 15 centimetres of snow. 

    Aujourd’hui, le ciel est couvert.
    Today, the sky is overcast. 

    Aujourd’hui, il y a un peu de vent.
    Today, it’s a little windy.

    Il ne neigera pas ce soir.
    It won’t snow tonight.

    Day 26 - Read an Article/ Blog Post Out Loud

    Day 26 – Read an Article/ Blog Post Out Loud

    I think Day 26 is a perfect day to read a blog post 🙂 I chose 7 French blogs, including cooking, finances, travelling, lifestyle, plants, and more!

    Do you have to read out loud? Not if you don’t want to, of course, but if you are comfortable doing it, it’s better.

    Here are the steps to follow:
    – Read the text first
    – Translate sentences and words if you need to
    – Once you understand the meaning of the text, try to read it out loud

    Let me know in the comments what article you chose to read, or if you have another blog, please share it with me as well.

    Traveling guides for all countries.

    Critiques – Tests – Mobilité – Sciences – Tech – Cinéma – Séries – Jeux vidéo – Bons plans

    Société – Lifestyle – Culture – Témoignages

    Mode – Beauté – Culture – People

    All about plants!

    All types of cuisines and diet.

    Consommation – Famille – Investissement – Planification – Documents

    Day 27 - Follow a French Conjugation Lesson

    On Day 6, we did a French grammar lesson, so it’s only fair to do a French conjugation lesson, too. I have chosen three lessons from my conjugation course: one for beginners, one for intermediates, and one for advanced.

    You can follow more video lessons about French conjugation on my playlist and/or get my French Conjugation Course Textbook.

    Each lesson has a video lesson and a PDF with exercises and solutions.

    Happy learning everyone 🙂

    French Conjugation Lesson - Beginners
    French Conjugation Lesson - Beginners
    French Conjugation Lesson - Beginners

    Day 28 - Write a Letter to a Friend in French

    Can you believe that we only have 3 days left in the challenge? Crazy how time flies sometimes!

    For today’s task, we are going to do some writing. I know that for some of you, it will be hard to build sentences in French, so I modified the task for each level. I chose to write to my friend about my weekend. You can write about anything 😉

    You can write the letter in your own language first and translate it. it’s perfectly fine.


    Here is the task for beginners – intermediates – advanced:

    For beginners, write a list of things you want to say in your letter. You can keep the verb in its infinitive form as well.

    For intermediates, write short sentences. Try for 10 sentences.

    For advanced, have fun and try to add new words to your letter.

    My letter in French

    Salut Céleste,

    J’espère que tu vas bien ! Je n’ai pas eu le temps de te répondre ce weekend. J’avais tellement de choses à faire !

    Samedi matin, on est allés acheter un nouveau canapé. On a finalement trouvé un canapé qui nous plaît. Il était temps ! Quand on est rentrés, on devait ranger et nettoyer. La maison était vraiment en désordre et on avait des invités dimanche après-midi.

    Dimanche, je me suis levée tôt pour tout préparer. J’ai passé une bonne journée. C’était chouette d’avoir mes proches à la maison mais c’est beaucoup de travail. Quand ils sont partis, j’ai dû nettoyer et ranger de nouveau. Après ça, j’ai lu un livre dans le canapé pour me reposer.   

    Et toi, comment s’est déroulé ton week-end ? On devrait planifier quelque chose ensemble bientôt ! Est-ce que tu veux aller prendre un café cette semaine ?

    À bientôt,


    My letter in English

    Hi Celeste,

    I hope you’re well! I didn’t have time to respond to you this weekend. I had so much to do!

    Saturday morning we went to buy a new sofa. We finally found a sofa we liked. It was time! When we got home, we had to tidy up and clean. The house was really messy, and we had guests on Sunday afternoon.

    Sunday, I got up early to prepare everything. I had a good day. It was nice having my loved ones home, but it’s a lot of work. When they left, I had to clean and tidy again. After that, I read a book on the couch to relax.

    And you, how was your weekend? We should plan something together soon! Do you want to go for coffee this week?

    See you soon,


    Day 29 - Record Yourself Speaking French

    For today’s task, you are going to record yourself speaking French. You can either write your own list/text or use my examples below. It’s a great way to practice speaking as well.


    Why do I want you to record yourself?

    I want you to record yourself because I want you to hear the progress you have made in the next challenge. Keep your recording on your phone or on your computer. You will record the same audio in the next challenge 🙂

    I wrote a list of basic words if you are a beginner and a little text if you are intermediate/advanced.

    Basic words for beginners

    Oui – Yes
    Non – No
    Bonjour – Hello
    Bonsoir – Good evening
    Au revoir – Goodbye
    Merci – Thank you
    De rien – You are welcome
    S’il vous plaît – Please
    Désolé – Sorry
    Je m’appelle + your name – My name is

    Little text for intermediate/advanced

    Faire les courses

    Faire les courses, c’est une vraie aventure. D’abord, il faut regarder ce qu’on a dans nos placards et dans notre frigo. Ensuite, il faut faire sa liste de courses. Certains prévoient aussi les repas de la semaine. Quand la liste est finie, il faut aller au magasin. C’est bien de comparer les prix pour économiser de l’argent. Quand on a tous nos articles, il est temps d’aller à la caisse pour payer. C’est bien d’apporter ses sacs réutilisables pour emballer ses courses.

    Shopping is a real adventure. First, you have to look at what is in the cupboards and in the fridge. Next, you have to make the shopping list. Some people also plan their meals for the week. When the list is finished, you can now go to the store. It’s good to compare prices to save money. When you have all the items, it’s time to go to the checkout to pay. It’s good to bring your reusable bags to pack the groceries.

    This text is part of my French Speaking Workshop. If you need to work on your French speaking skills, this workshop will be perfect for you. I made you a discount code just for the challenge, use CHALLENGE20 for 20% off.  

    Day 30 - Reflect on the Month

    For the last day of the month, I thought it would be great to reflect on your work this month. I have a list of questions for you to answer in French. Depending on your level, you can answer them with a few words or a complete sentence.

    Just like Day 29, I want you to keep your answers so you can look back on them at the end of the year or during the next challenge.

    Questions to reflect on the challenge:

    – Est-ce que ce défi était dur pour vous ?
    Was this challenge hard for you?

    – Quelle tâche était la plus facile ?
    Which task was the easiest?

    – Quelle tâche était la plus difficile ?
    Which task was the most difficult?

    – Sur quoi est-ce que vous devez travailler plus cette année ?
    What do you need to work on more this year?

    – Quelle est votre but pour cette année ?
    What is your goal for this year?

    I hope you enjoyed this challenge. I have created a Google form to get your impressions about the challenge and get some feedback for the next one. Please click on the link below to fill out the form, and it will be sent to me 🙂

    Improve Your French Today

    My Apps Review Video

    Keep learning, check out these other French lessons:

    61 Responses

    1. Hello Dylane!
      I studied French at school. I knew to read well but over the years all faded away. I do hope to work on a daily basis with the help of your audios.
      Thank you!

        1. Thank you! Surely I need time to invest time and effort, and the result will definitely come.
          P.S. Your stories are really great. I am thinking of buying your story books.

        1. J’ai lu l’histoire de le jardin de ma grand-mère.(part un) L’histoire est intéressante et on doit la lire et essayer de mémoriser les usages. Je ne peut pas télecharger les audios de l’histoire et espère que vous m’aider svp

          1. Est-ce que tu as rempli e formulaire pour recevoir les audios? Si tu as un problème, tu peux me contacter. Au bas de la page, il y a une page où tu peux laisser un message 🙂

    2. Salut, Dylane
      Je m’appelle Ted et je [have wanted] appendre le francais depuis plus de cinquate ans. Maintenant j’ai soixante-quinze ans, il y a maintenant ou jamais.
      Pour le premeire jour de la trente-jour challenge, je [completed] [section] deux, [unit] six, [lesson] trois de Duolingo. J’ai [completed] Duolingo pour cent jours consecutive.
      Pour jour #2, j’ai etudiant les mots. Je comprende tous les [beginner] mots, [about] 50% de les [intermediate] mots, mais seulement un peu de [advanced] mots.
      Pour jour #3, c’est le dix [sentences].
      Et, oui, je dois etudie “Google Translate” pour aider a ecrire un peu de ces mots.
      Impatient de jour quatre!!!!!

    3. You have been helping me a lot by providing amazing videos to learn French language. This 30 day French Language Challenge is really marvellous!

      Thanks a gazillion for this!!!!!!!🏆😊

    4. Day 7 was interesting.
      Fortunately I use my mobile instinctively. Lots more infinitives and few if any imperatives on the settings in French.
      Irritated by the desire of the phone to translate some searched webpages into French rather than leave in the original language.
      That said 26 hours late, the only challenge was finding the settings to put back to English on my Samsung A52s 5G

    5. J’ai fais l’examen du vocabulaire. Les résultats:
      Beginner: 10/10
      Intermediate: 7/10
      Advanced: 4/10
      I’m learning so much! I especially realize that I need to lead the genders of nouns better.

    6. What do you say to somebody when they actually fall in the apples?

      Every online test I’ve taken so far indicates that I’m barely at A-1 level. Even after sporadically going over the Michel Thomas French Foundation course throughout the years, listening to endless broadcasts of France 24 news, watching several Jean-Luc Godard films, La Vie en rose, Amélie, and a few French Netflix series, listening to french podcasts, and going to Paris four times in years past. Do you think the problem might be the “sporadic” part of the equation?? 😀

      By the way, that Michel Thomas guy can be difficult to listen to. At times he’s a bit loud and aggressive – almost abusive too! But his teachings form the foundation of what little I have learned. You’re much easier to listen to. Much gentler. Thank you!!

      I’ve increased my vocabulary quite a bit, but the whole French verb conjugation, sentence structure, and grammar part is miserably lacking. For that matter, you can include my native English skills under that “lacking” category as well! Maybe your grammar and conjugation books that I ordered will help this old dog learn new tricks.

      Anyway, thanks for your well organized, easy to understand courses and books. I will not quit!! I shall prevail!

      Viva l’apprentissage !

    7. I totally finished Day 1, I choose primsleur first lesson,
      I typed up every thing that I have learned .
      Day 2 I choose beginners on your 20 word vocabulary.
      I also typed them up .

    8. Day 3 with the 10 sentences I completed them, will send in email to see if the are done right .
      I had finished Day 4 , choose first book for beginners for the story .

      Day 5 picture I choose was two small bowels of fruit , and I labeled them , will send in email .

        1. ok, I will try , my facebook app on my cell phone does not want to open up for what ever reason, that’s why I sent you an email on what I have done so fare , for you to look at .

          I completed Day 6, grammar, I listen to the your video I really enjoyed it, i got excited on how you showed on how sentences work and what order it goes in , the top part no problem, the second part ex. 1.2 1-5 I had looked up the words , then I put them in order and wrote them out , the only one that I got wrong was number 3 , , there was no work page 6-10 to do. I liked doing them , that really helped me , I wish there were more of them to do. I am really looking forwarded to the grammar book , it will be awhile , know I look at the sentences in a totally new way . thanks for showing on how to do them. Lisa
          ps I will really try to sent it the way you asked , but if I can’t get Facebook to work then I don’t know what else to do , except for the emails , I wrote them out , the sentences and one email was 1-5 , then I wrote out an other one with sentences 6-10 ., I am sorry .


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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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