The Perfect French with Dylane


Regular French Reflexive Verbs

Regular French Reflexive Verbs

Many French learners have a love-hate relationship with French reflexive verbs, or maybe just hate. Who knows, so today, we will talk about Regular French reflexive verbs. The ones with a regular conjugation. Even tho we are not going to talk about conjugation too much. We will do a quick review of what a French reflexive verb is, and then we will see the verbs with an example for each. I have a long list of French reflexive verbs for you today, so I hope you are ready.

Don’t forget your free PDF to keep and review at the bottom of the page. If you want to work on your French verbs and conjugation, my French Conjugation Course is an excellent resource for that. 

What is a French Reflexive Verb?

A French reflexive verb is a verb indicating that the action is being performed on the subject. There are similar verbs in English, such as To cut oneself.

In French, a reflexive verb is called un verbe pronominal because it includes a pronoun (un pronom). The infinitive of a reflexive verb is always SE + verb, or S’ + verb if the verb starts with a vowel or a silent h. SE is the reflexive pronoun.

Differences between a regular and a reflexive verb:

Regular verb: Couper – To cut

Il a coupé la feuille de papier avec les ciseaux.
He cut the sheet of paper with the scissors.

Reflexive verb: Se couper – To cut onesef

Il s’est coupé le doigt avec le couteau.
He cut his finger with the knife.

Many French reflexive and regular verbs have the same meaning, just that the reflexive verb refers to the person or the object. Some of them have very different meanings and can be incredibly confusing. 

How to conjugate a French reflexive verb?

To conjugate a French reflexive verb, you are going to conjugate the verb like a regular verb and add the correct reflexive pronouns after the French subject pronoun.

The French pronouns are:

Subject pronouns

Reflexive pronouns







me – m’

te – t’

se – s’



se – s’

Remember that in the case of me, te and se, if the verb starts with a vowel or a silent h, we use m’, t’, s’.

Regular verb

Reflexive verb

Couper – To cut

Se couper – To cut oneself

Je coupe

Tu coupes

Il-Elle-On coupe

Nous coupons

Vous coupez

Ils-Elles coupent

Je me coupe

Tu te coupes

Il-Elle-On se coupe

Nous nous coupons

Vous vous coupez

Ils-Elles se coupent

As you can see, only the reflexive pronoun changes. The conjugation doens’t change.

List of French Reflexive Verbs

Here is the list of French reflexive verbs we will see in this lesson. 
  1. S’adapter – To adapt
  2. S’adresser (à) – To address – To speak to
  3. S’amuser – To have fun
  4. S’apprêter (à) – To get ready (to)
  5. S’approcher (de) – To approach
  6. S’arrêter – To stop oneself
  7. S’énerver – To get mad
  8. S’entendre (avec) – To get along (with)
  9. S’épiler – To pluck – To wax
  10. S’excuser – To apologize
  11. S’habiller – To get dressed
  12. S’habituer (à) – To get used to
  13. S’imaginer – To imagine
  14. S’intéresser (à) – To be interested in
  15. S’attendre – To expect
  16. S’occuper (de) – To take care of
  17. Se baigner – To go swimming
  18. Se brosser – To brush (one’s hair – one’s teeth)
  19. Se cacher – To hide
  20. Se casser – To break (one’s leg – one’s arm)
  21. Se doucher – To take a shower
  22. Se fâcher – To get angry
  23. Se fatiguer – To get tired
  24. Se laver – To wash oneself
  25. Se limer (les ongles) – To file one’s nails
  26. Se maquiller – To put on makeup
  27. Se marier – To get married
  28. Se moquer (de) – To make fun of
  29. Se moucher – To blow one’s nose
  30. Se passer – To happen
  31. Se peigner – To comb one’s hair
  32. Se perdre – To get lost
  33. Se raser – To shave
  34. Se regarder – To look at oneself
  35. Se relaxer – To relax
  36. Se rendre compte (de) – To realize
  37. Se reposer – To rest
  38. Se réveiller – To wake up
  39. Se soûler – To get drunk
  40. Se terminer – To come to an end
  41. Se tromper – To make a mistake

Regular French Reflexive Verbs with examples:

1. S’adapter – To adapt

Il doit s’adapter à son nouveau travail.
He must adapt to his new job.

2. S’adresser (à) – To address – To speak to

Elle s’adresse aux étudiants en anglais.
She addresses the students in English.

3. S’amuser – To have fun

On s’est bien amusés à la fête.
We had a lot of fun at the party.

4. S’apprêter (à) – To get ready (to)

Je m’apprête à partir en vacances.
I’m getting ready to go on vacation.

5. S’approcher (de) – To approach

Le chat s’approche doucement de la souris.
The cat is slowly approaching the mouse.

6. S’arrêter – To stop oneself

Je dois m’arrêter au magasin.
I need to stop at the store.

7. S’énerver – To get mad

S’énerver ne règlera pas le problène.
Getting mad won’t solve the problem.

8. S’entendre (avec) – To get along (with)

Ils s’entendent bien avec leurs voisins.
They get along well with their neighbors.

9. S’épiler – To pluck – To wax

Elle préfère s’épiler les sourcils elle-même.
She prefers to pluck her eyebrows herself.

10. S’excuser – To apologize

Je m’excuse pour le retard.
I apologize for the delay.

11. S’habiller – To get dressed

Je dois encore m’habiller.
I still need to get dressed.

12. S’habituer (à) – To get used to

Il a mis du temps à s’habituer à ses nouvelles lunettes.
It took him some time to get used to his new glasses.

13. S’imaginer – To imagine

J’aime m’imaginer en train de voyager dans le monde.
I like to imagine myself traveling the world.

14. S’intéresser (à) – To be interested in

Elle s’intéresse beaucoup à l’histoire du cinéma.
She is very interested in the history of cinema.

15. S’attendre – To expect

Je ne m’attendais pas à cela.
I didn’t expect that.

16. S’occuper (de) – To take care of

Il doit s’occuper de ses neveux ce week-end.
He has to take care of his nephews this weekend.

17. Se baigner – To go swimming

Elle ne veut pas se baigner.
She doesn’t want to go swimming.

18. Se brosser – To brush (one’s hair – one’s teeth)

Il se brosse les dents après chaque repas.
He brushes his teeth after every meal.

19. Se cacher – To hide

Les enfants aiment se cacher pour jouer.
Children like to hide and play.

20. Se casser – To break (one’s leg – one’s arm)

Il s’est cassé la jambe en skiant.
He broke his leg while skiing.

21. Se doucher – To take a shower

Je me douche tous les matins après le sport.
I shower every morning after sports.

22. Se fâcher – To get angry

Elle s’est fâchée sans raison.
She got angry for no reason.

23. Se fatiguer – To get tired

Je me fatigue rapidement en hiver.
I get tired quickly in winter.

24. Se laver – To wash oneself

Il faut se laver les mains avant de manger.
You should wash your hands before eating.

25. Se limer (les ongles) – To file one’s nails

Elle se lime les ongles.
She files her nails.

26. Se maquiller – To put on makeup

Elle aime se maquiller tous les jours.
She likes to put on makeup every day.

27. Se marier – To get married

Ils se sont mariés l’été dernier.
They got married last summer.

28. Se moquer (de) – To make fun of

Ce n’est pas bien de se moquer des autres.
It’s not good to make fun of others.

29. Se moucher – To blow one’s nose

Je me mouche constamment depuis hier.
I’ve been blowing my nose constantly since yesterday.

30. Se passer – To happen

Je ne sais pas ce qu’il se passe.
I don’t know what’s happening.

31. Se peigner – To comb one’s hair

Il se peigne la barbe tous les matins.
He combs his beard every morning.

32. Se perdre – To get lost

Les randonneurs se sont perdus dans la forêt.
The hikers got lost in the forest.

33. Se raser – To shave

Il se rase une fois par semaine.
He shaves once a week.

34. Se regarder – To look at oneself

Le chien se regarde dans le miroir.
The dog is looking at itself in the mirror.

35. Se relaxer – To relax

J’aime me relaxer en écoutant de la musique.
I like to relax by listening to music.

36. Se rendre compte (de) – To realize

Il s’est rendu compte de son erreur après quelques heures.
He realized his mistake after a few hours.

37. Se reposer – To rest

Après une semaine bien remplie, elle a besoin de se reposer le week-end.
After a busy week, she needs to rest on the weekend.

38. Se réveiller – To wake up

J’essaye de me réveiller tôt le matin.
I try to wake up early in the morning.

39. Se soûler – To get drunk

Il ne faut pas se soûler pendant les fêtes.
You shouldn’t get drunk at parties.

40. Se terminer – To come to an end

Ce film se termine bien.
This movie has a good ending.

41. Se tromper – To make a mistake

Il s’est trompé de sortie sur l’autoroute.
He took the wrong exit on the highway.

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    4 Responses

    1. This is one of the best French courses I have ever seen on YouTube. Thank you very much and I really appreciate what you are doing in terms of French learners all over the world. Sending hugs from Sri Lanka.

    2. You are amazing. Thank you so much for your time and effort you put into these lessons on YouTube. I will definitely be ordering all of the books. Again, thank you.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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