The Perfect French with Dylane


French Masculine Nouns Ending in ISME

French Masculine Nouns Ending in ISME

In French, nouns are either masculine or feminine. While it’s always better to study French vocabulary with the right gender, some endings are specific to masculine or feminine, with a couple of exceptions. In this article, we are looking at French masculine nouns ending in ISME. The list is quite short but still worth it. Don’t forget to use the audio to get the pronunciation right. 

French Masculine Nouns Ending in ISME

L’activisme | activism
L’alcoolisme | alcoholism
L’altruisme | altruism
Un anglicisme | an anglicism
L’astigmatisme | astigmatism
L’athlétisme | track and field
Le bouddhisme | Buddhism
Le capitalisme | capitalism
Le charisme | charisma
Le christianisme | Christianity
Le cyclisme | cycling
Le dynamisme | dynamism
L’égoïsme | selfishness
L’extrémisme | extremism
Le féminisme | feminism
L’hindouisme | Hinduism
Le minimalisme | minimalism
L’optimisme | optimism
Le parachutisme | skydiving
Le perfectionnisme | perfectionism
Le pessimisme | pessimism
Le romantisme | romanticism

Other Endings of French Masculine Nouns

There you have it! French masculine nouns ending in ISME.

Remember that while this helps, you should always study French vocabulary with its gender.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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