The Perfect French with Dylane


French Feminine Nouns Ending in URE

French Feminine Nouns Ending in URE

In French, nouns are either masculine or feminine. While it’s always better to study French vocabulary with the right gender, some endings are specific to masculine or feminine, with a couple of exceptions. In this article, we are looking at French feminine nouns ending in UREDon’t forget to use the audio to get the pronunciation right and to download your free PDF at the bottom of the page. 

French Feminine Nouns Ending in URE

French Feminine Nouns Ending in URE

L’allure | pace
L’autocensure | self-censorship
Une aventure | an adventure
Une brûlure | a burn
La censure | censorship
Une clôture | a fence
De la confiture | jam
Une coupure | a cut
Une couverture | a blanket
Une créature | a creature
La culture | culture
Une facture | an invoice
La figure | the face
Une fracture | a fracture
La fourrure | fur
La lecture | reading
La levure | baking powder
La littérature | literature
Une mesure | a measure
La nature | nature
La nourriture | food
Une ouverture | an opening
La peinture | paint
Une pointure | a shoesize
Une rayure | a stripe
La rupture | breakup
La sculpture | sculpting
Une serrure | a lock
Une signature | a signature
La structure | structure
La température | temperature
Une voiture | a car 

Le fluorure | fluoride
Un murmure | a whisper

Other Endings of French Feminine Nouns

There you have it! French feminine nouns ending in URE.

Remember that while this helps, you should always study French vocabulary with its gender.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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