The Perfect French with Dylane


How to Pronounce Patte Pâte Pâtes in French?

How to Pronounce Patte Pâte Pâtes in French?

Today we focus on How to Pronounce Patte Pâte Pâtes in French. 3 common homophones. Or almost homophones, since the pronunciation of the 2 last ones changes slightly!

Don’t forget to learn the gender of nouns when you learn French vocabulary.

=> fn. for feminine nouns – mn. for masculine nouns

Pronounce Patte Pâte Pâtes in French

La patte

La patte in French is the word used to talk about our cute little animals paws, or even big animals, it doesn’t really matter, they are all cute, aren’t they?

Let’s look at the pronunciation:

La patte – Paw /pat/ (nf.)

=> The letter A is pronounced like a regular A, in this case, the same that you learn when learning the alphabet.

La pâte

La pâte in French refers to the dough, it can be any dough, for a pie, for cookies, for cupcakes, anything.

Let’s look at the pronunciation:

La pâte – Dough /pɑt/ (nf.)

=> The letter  (with accent circonflexe) is pronounced longer than the regular A, It also sounds softer than the short A in PATTE.

Les pâtes

Les pâtes, one of my favourite meals! Les pâtes in French mean Pasta. You probably noticed that in this case, the word is plural and this is where the difference is with pâte (dough). La pâte is always singular, while les pâtes is always plural.

Les pâtes – Pasta /pɑt/ (nf.)

=> The letter  (with accent circonflexe) is pronounced longer than the regular A, It also sounds softer than the short A in PATTE. But besides the article, the pronunciation is exactly the same as La pâte.

Check Out this Video on How to Pronounce Patte Pâte Pâtes in French!

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About Dylane

Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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