The Perfect French with Dylane


French Listening Practice – October 2023

French Listening Practice - October 2023 - 50 Easy French Sentences

Welcome back for a new French Listening Practice – October 2023. I wrote 50 sentences for you that I am going to read at a slow pace and then at a normal pace. if you watch the video lesson on YouTube, you also get to listen to the sentence with and without the transcription on the screen so it’s a great channel.

As usual, you can download your free PDF at the bottom of the page with all the sentences for you to keep and review.

If you want to work more on your listening skills, you can check out my workshop listening and reading, 30 days of exercises about listening and reading, and the playlist with all my French Listening practices.  

If you need to review your French pronunciation, check out my Complete French Pronunciation Course.


Let's start this French Listening Practice

1. L’automne est une saison magnifique.
Fall is a wonderful season.

2. Il commence à faire froid.
It is starting to get cold.

3. Tu n’aimes pas le chocolat chaud ?
Don’t you like hot chocolate?

4. Je vais à la plage demain.
I am going to the beach tomorrow.

5. Le musée est fermé le lundi.
The museum is closed on Mondays.

7. Mon anniversaire est en novembre.
My birthday is in November.

8. Il a voyagé en Italie l’été dernier.
He traveled to Italy last summer.

9. Les oiseaux migrent en automne.
Birds migrate in autumn.

10. Nous allons au restaurant ce soir.
We are going to the restaurant tonight.

11. J’aime lire des romans de science-fiction.
I enjoy reading science fiction novels.

12. Elle prépare une salade pour le déjeuner.
She is making a salad for lunch.

13. Les montagnes sont magnifiques en hiver.
The mountains are beautiful in winter.

14. J’adore écouter de la musique classique.
I love listening to classical music.

15. Il fait froid en décembre.
It’s cold in December.

16. Les feuilles commencent à tomber des arbres.
The leaves are starting to fall from the trees.

17. Est-ce que tu veux venir marcher avec nous ?
Do you want to come walk with us?

18. Elle a fait du shopping toute la journée.
She went shopping all day.

19. Nous devons acheter des légumes pour le dîner.
We need to buy vegetables for dinner.

20. Le film commence à 20 heures.
The movie starts at 8 p.m.

21. Il a rencontré sa femme au travail.
He met his wife at work.

22. Les étoiles brillent dans le ciel la nuit.
The stars shine in the night sky.

23. Elle parle couramment l’espagnol.
She speaks Spanish fluently.

24. Nous avons visité Paris l’été dernier.
We visited Paris last summer.

25. Les roses sont des fleurs magnifiques.
Roses are beautiful flowers.

26. J’adore les plats épicés.
I love spicy dishes.

27. Il a une grande collection de bandes dessinées.
He has a large comic book collection.

28. Sa tarte à la citrouille est délicieuse.
Her pumpkin pie is delicious.

29. Le train part à 9 heures du matin.
The train departs at 9 in the morning.

30. Elle prépare une surprise pour son mari.
She is preparing a surprise for her husband.

31. Les enfants jouent au parc tous les jours.
The children play at the park every day.

32. Il veut devenir médecin quand il sera grand.
He wants to become a doctor when he grows up.

33. J’aime le goût du chocolat.
I like the taste of chocolate.

34. Le chien aboie quand quelqu’un arrive.
The dog barks when someone arrives.

35. Ils ont planté des arbres dans le jardin.
They planted trees in the garden.

36. Il est en train de peindre la chambre d’amis.
He is painting the guest room.

37. Nous allons faire du camping ce week-end.
We are going camping this weekend.

38. Elle veut apprendre à jouer du piano.
She wants to learn to play the piano.

39. Les enfants aiment les glaces en été.
Children like ice cream in the summer.

40. Il a beaucoup d’amis à l’école.
He has many friends at school.

41. Le café est ouvert 24 heures sur 24.
The cafe is open 24 hours a day.

42. Elle porte des lunettes pour lire.
She wears glasses for reading.

43. Ils écoutent de la musique pop.
They are listening to pop music.

44. Il va à la piscine tous les samedis.
He goes to the swimming pool every Saturday.

45. Elle prépare des crêpes pour le petit déjeuner.
She is making pancakes for breakfast.

46. Il pleut souvent en automne.
It often rains in the fall.

47. Elle adore les films d’horreur.
She loves horror movies.

48. Ils ont une grande famille.
They have a big family.

49. Elle a un chat noir et blanc.
She has a black and white cat.

50. Les feuilles changent de couleur en automne.
Leaves change color in the fall.

I hope you enjoyed this French Listening Practice. Let me know in the comments if you would like more. 

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    Video Lesson: French Listening Practice - 50 sentences

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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