The Perfect French with Dylane


French Listening Practice – 50 sentences

Improve your listening skills with this French Listening Practice

French Listening Practices are a great way to improve your listening skills in any language. French being a little bit more tricky (spoken and written French are like two different languages) than others, it’s great to be able to read the sentence and listen to it at the same time. 

In the French Listening Practice, I read 50 sentences at 2 different paces, slow and normal. 

To listen to the audio, simply click on the little but player button on the left of the sentence. I read slowly the first time, and at a normal pace the second time.

Free PDF at the bottom of the page.

If you need to review your French pronunciation, check out my Complete French Pronunciation Course.

French Listening Practice

Let's start this French Listening Practice

1. On m’a volé mon téléphone au restaurant.
Someone stole my phone at the restaurant.

2Elle déteste faire le ménage.
She hates cleaning.

3. Est-ce que tu as vu les nouvelles ?
Have you seen the news?

4. Nous aimerions aller au ski cet hiver.
We would like to go skiing this winter.

5. Économiser de l’argent n’est pas toujours facile.
Saving money isn’t always easy.

6. Si j’avais plus de temps, j’apprendrais à jouer du piano.
If I had more time, I would learn to play the piano.

7. Ma voiture a disparu !
My car has disappeared!

8. Est-ce que je peux t’emprunter un post-it ?
Can I borrow a post-it?

9. Pourquoi ne pas lui donner une autre chance ?
Why not give it another chance?

10. Tu veux aller au parc avec les enfants dans une heure ?
Do you want to go to the park with the kids in an hour?

11. Il sait compter jusqu’à cent (100).
He knows how to count to one hundred (100).

12. C’est quand ton anniversaire ?
When is your birthday?

13. Elles viennent de réserver un safari en Afrique. 
They just booked a safari in Africa.

14. Les bateaux de croisières sont énormes.
Cruise ships are huge.

15. Cet hôtel peut accueillir plus de cinq cents personnes.
This hotel can accommodate more than five hundred people.

16. Qu’est-ce que tu veux ?
What do you want?

17Est-ce que tu sais pourquoi ça ne fonctionne plus ?
Do you know why it doesn’t work anymore?

18. On aimerait voir une étoile filante.
We would like to see a shooting star.

19. Pourquoi pas ? Ce n’est pas une mauvaise idée.
Why not? It’s not a bad idea.

20. Il faut boire de l’eau pour rester hydraté.
You have to drink water to stay hydrated.

21. La souris de l’ordinateur n’a plus de batterie. 
The computer mouse has run out of battery.

22. Je dois la charger.
I have to charge it.

23. Est-ce que tu as vu mon iPad ?
Have you seen my iPad?

24. Je n’arrive pas à garder mes plantes en vie.
I can’t keep my plants alive.

25. Elles meurent les unes après les autres.
They die one after another.

26. Internet est vraiment lent aujourd’hui.
The Internet is really slow today.

27. Il va faire beau samedi, tu veux aller à la piscine ensemble ?
It’s going to be sunny on Saturday, do you want to go swimming together?

28. Ils essayent de prévoir une soirée par semaine juste tous les deux.
They try to schedule one night a week for just the two of them.

29. Est-ce que tu sais quelle heure il est ?
Do you know what time it is?

30. Je n’ai pas le temps de t’aider, désolé. 
I don’t have time to help you, sorry.

31. Il aimerait écrire un livre mais il ne sait pas où commencer.
He would like to write a book, but he doesn’t know where to start.

32. J’ai retrouvé mes lunettes.
I found my glasses.

33. Elles étaient dans la salle de bain.
They were in the bathroom.

34. Apprendre à lire est important pour les enfants.
Learning to read is important for children.

35. Qu’est-ce que tu as envie de faire ?
What do you want to do?

36. Je n’en ai aucune idée.
I’ve no idea.

37. Ce café bio est délicieux.
This organic coffee is delicious.

38. J’utilise un calendrier en ligne pour organiser mes journées.
I use an online calendar to organize my days.

39. Tu as payé la facture ?
Did you pay the bill?

40. Si tu veux je peux t’aider à déménager.
If you want, I can help you move.

41. Il sera là dans quelques minutes.
He will be here in a few minutes.

42. Et si on changeait de sujet avant de se disputer ?
How about we change the subject before we argue?

43. J’ai besoin de prendre l’air.
I need to get some fresh air.

44. Mes écouteurs font un bruit bizarre.
My headphones are making a weird noise.

45. Je ne pense pas que ce soit sa vraie couleur de cheveux.
I don’t think that’s her real hair color.

46. Tu as bientôt terminé ?
Are you almost done?

47. Ils ont rendez-vous chez le docteur pour une prise de sang.
They have an appointment with the doctor for a blood test.

48. Pourquoi est-ce que tu as dit non ?
Why did you say no?

49. On aimerait avoir plus d’argent mais c’est comme ça.
We would like to have more money, but that’s how it is.

50. Les yeux verts sont assez rares.
Green eyes are quite rare.

I hope you enjoyed this French Listening Practice. Let me know in the comments if you would like more. 

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    Video Lesson: French Listening Practice - 50 sentences

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    11 Responses

    1. This pdf is very much useful for all the people who are learning French and this even helps to connect your sentences in real life situations

    2. I have the complete french pronuciation course. I don’t know where the listening drills are located. In the book the listening drills begin on page 20.

    3. My sincere thanks to you for you efforts to help me and many others learn. I just have ordered the grammar book. You the best.. more than the class I attend … I am learning from you.

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    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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